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Giới thiệu trường

In partnership with Christian homes and churches, Calvin Christian Schools guide God's children into responsible Christian discipleship. This means we want to enable our students to know God as revealed in creation and his Word, the bible. We also want our students to become aware of God's presence in their lives and the world. Calvin Christian Schools enable students to know themselves as unique image-bearers of God with unique gifts and abilities. Through a well-rounded educational program and capable staff, we lead students to unwrap their God-given gifts. We help every child and young person develop his/her spiritual, intellectual, moral, emotional, and social abilities to their fullest extent possible. Calvin Christian Schools' curriculum helps students grasp the full impact of humankind's fall into sin--on people, on society and culture, and on the natural world--and the need for redemption and restoration. Accordingly, we challenge students to use their talents and knowledge to become actively involved in service as God's agents in restoring all things to the way God intended them to be. Calvin Christian Schools help students recognize that all that they have and all that they are comes from God. He is the source of all things. Accordingly, our schools want students to become faithful stewards--persons who gratefully and tenderly care for and fully develop themsleves, each other, and God's world.
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Thông Tin Trường Calvin Christian Schools Đầy Đủ Chính Thức Của Năm 2024 | FindingSchool

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Milwaukee là một thành phố ở tiểu bang Wisconsin của nước Mỹ, nằm trên bờ phía tây của Hồ Michigan. Thành phố được biết đến với các nhà máy bia, nhiều trong số đó cung cấp các tour du lịch về ngành bia. Nhìn ra Sông Menomonee, Bảo tàng Harley-Davidson trưng bày những chiếc mô tô cổ điển, trong đó có một chiếc của Elvis Presley. Gần đó là Bảo tàng Công cộng Milwaukee, với Ngôi làng châu Âu quy mô lớn và khu giải trí của Milwaukee cũ.

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